In this story, God provides yet again for Israelites, removing the bitter waters and turning them into drinkable water.
God used this as a demonstration of his power and ability. He saw a chance to remind Israel of their covenant towards him, and his desire to build a relationship with them.
He encourages them to focus on him, instead of their troubles. He will provide, but they simply need to walk in his pathway.
The power of the word of God converts our soul. We need to allow our focus to remain on God, not our issues. Then our problems can be solved.
When we allow our focus to be more on our problems, than God, we have an issue. When we allow our focus to be on perceived offences, instead of God, we have an issue. When we allow our focus to be on the world or others, we have an issue.
Today I pray that my focus is on God. Despite whatever issues, problems or situations may crop up, I know that I can rest assured if my focus is on him, not anything else.